Friday, January 20, 2012

Faith vs. Deeds

I had the pleasure of having my son home on military leave for a bit.  Now that he's a grown man and completely independent, he has no qualms telling me about the incidents that have scarred him for life.  Here's one from days LONG gone by when I actually gave organized religion some credit.  I was still influenced by the elder in-laws.  Mistake.

Anyway, the church incident that my son could not wrap his brain around actually explains why the far right so-called Christians is so full of hypocrites. I think it's the Repubican mantra (misspelling intended).  See, it's not the DEEDS done WRONG that God judges....... it's the depth of your FAITH.

WTF??????  Let's follow this non-logic.  You can axe murder an entire village....... but if you have true FAITH, your deeds will be forgiven.  It sure explains why so many holier-than-thou right wingers commit horrible deeds, but then turn around and get all preachy on everybody else.  See, it's OK to screw over other people and act like a complete ass.......... just as long as you tell God at night how much you believe, and then get up in front a bunch like-minded morons every Sunday and reiterate.

What a load of crap.

Did I say moron?  Oh, I thought it was Mormon.  I want to ask Mitt Romney if he is wearing his special, protective, secret underwear that was given him as a rite of passage when Morons turn of age.  It will stop a speeding bullet.  It will shield against all the evil free thinkers who dare question such blind faith.  I guess the special underwear kind of works like Superman's cape -- you know -- all full of special powers and such.

Good Luck with that.....

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