Monday, August 15, 2011

Scientology: The Great Fuck-Off

Just *how* did I end up on Scientology's telemarketing list?  I've been on their hit list for some time, and I can't figure out why.  The scientologists have been harassing me via snail mail campaigns, and now telephone.  Hey, I never even *kissed* John Travolta or Tom Cruise. 

Imagine this.... you've all been there.... you're home minding your own business.  The telephone rings.  It's an area code you recognize, but not exactly sure who it is.  It could possibly be your cousin informing you of the family reunion plans.  You answer the phone.  Shit.  It's some ass pushing their religion/cause/whatever. 

Enter my inspiration for blog material.  My son is now home for the first time on military leave.  He has no tolerance for crap.  My son anwers the phone.  The conversation went something like this:

Son:  Hello?  Who is this?
Annoying Scietologist (A.S.):  May we speak with G?

Son:  What is this pertaining to?
AS:  I am with the Church of Scientology.

Son:  Take us off your soliciting list.  We don't want your brainwashing bullshit.  STFU and GTFO!!  Hail Anonymous!!!!!

At that point son confidently hung up the phone and went about ironing his uniform saying that I would not hear from them anymore.

Welcome home....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT. My brother was walking downtown Minneapolis when he was 17 years old and gave his name/address to these A Holes. (He hasn't lived at my parents home in 30 yrs). He is now 52 yrs old and they are still mailing this Scientology BULLSHIT to their house. Same goes for the Mormon people and their stupid shit. GO AWAY and quit trying to shove your beliefs down peoples throats.