Saturday, May 28, 2011

High School Graduation Ceremonies

It's that wonderful time of the year again. Kids all across America are graduating from high school.

Big deal.

What was once a formal ceremony with significance has turned into a meaningless frat party. There are beach balls, tortillias, and other you-name-it objects being thrown around during speaches. And this is supposed to be a ritual celebrating the transition into adulthood? Puh-LEEZ!

Granted, I'm not a fan of long winded talking heads who relish in the sound of their own voice proclaiming that "this is the best class ever." However, it is supposed to be a dignified event and I can do without being hit in the head with a beach ball while I'm searching the crowd for my graduate. Grow up.

It's not just the graduates who demonstrate this childish behavior. Parents perpetuate it with hooting and holloring when asked to withhold applause and cheering until the very end. The other behavior that irks me to no end are the parents who are there only to see THEIR kid walk across the stage and then leave causing a distraction and disturbance making their exit. God help the kid who has a last name ending in Z. It's just rude to get up and leave. If you're not going to stay for the entire ceremony, please do us all a favor and just stay home.

The high school graduation ceremony has lost its significage and meaning. Why not just have one big loud, rucous party on site? Isn't that what it has evolved into?

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