Sunday, May 29, 2011

...and I'm a MORMON.....

Puh-LeeZE stop! Yes, you are a Mormon, and I'm totally pissed off about it as well. Quit selling your 13 year old girls into a marriage with a 60 year old dude who can't get it up without the help of Viagra. It's just gross...

Your lame .....and I'm a moromon..... campaign smacks of the same shit of Charles Manson's "helter skelter" campain and then wonders why public support is lacking. DUH!!!

I've witnessed it in person. I've drivin along highway 80 in Nevada and Utah and seen your Laura Ingalls clones getting off a bus at a Love's Truck Stop in the middle of nowhere Utah with their sun bonnets and pimps keepin' them in check. Heavin forbid the 14 year-olds try to escape. They are already sworn to the horny old dude with 21 kids.

Mormons: You are nothing more than an ordained prostituion/child sex ring. Shame on your fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins, for selling you into this slave sex trade. RUN!!!!!!!!!

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