Wednesday, July 8, 2009

One Week

In less than one week, I found out:

1. A very, VERY good friend has stage 4 cancer;
2. One of my best friends from high school tried to commit suicide;
3. An old flame/guy friend from North Dakota has a chronic disease;
4. A couple we are good friends with are splitting up.

Let's see.... what else can happen? Is there any good news? I don't even want to answer the phone anymore. I was on vacation last week, too. I could not enjoy it because my thoughts were preoccupied with those I care about who are suffering.

Believe it or not, despite my bitchy facade on this blog, I truly do have empathy for what people are going through. I just want to help them....

1 comment:

CG said...

I know you are one of the most caring people in the world. I'm sorry to hear about all your bad news :(