Back in January I posted on how Staples fucked me over. Every word I wrote was true. What incentive do I have to lie? None. I am not an employee or former employee, nor am I a stock holder. I am simply a consumer warning the public.
Believe it or not, some of the most stinging comments left on my blog are from current Staples employees. Nice company public relations marketing strategy. I'm sure it works well -- NOT. Piss off money coming in the door. Need I comment more on their intellectual status (or lack thereof)?
I find it amusing and pathetic that some Staples employees immediately jumped to corporate's defense completely bashing my story without even knowing the complete facts involved or what actually took place. I did receive comments from some Staples employees (and former employees) acknowledging the games Staples played in fucking over consumers. I love you. You speak the truth.
Now.... onto the others.....
I can tell that not one of the stinging, acidic comments I received was from a person over the age of 30. I leave your comments up to prove to the public how arrogance and ignorance often go hand-in-hand. This lends me to believe that there are paid bloggers out there trying to diminish any negative comments about their corporate master and to undermine my experience. I could easily delete your comments, but they're too funny and only self incriminate. You further prove my point without any effort on my part whatsoever. Thank you.
I can just see the company handbook. I'm sure there is extra pay for employees to troll the internet looking for posts that dare to bring light to their fascist, corporate ways and BASH THEM WITHOUT KNOWING THE FACTS!!! Still, not *one* comment has answered my bottom line issue: Staples insisted my computer had a liquid spill. It did not. Staples lied.
To the acidic Staples commentators: Just wait to see how gung-ho you are when you finally figure out that you're getting fucked over for not getting a decent pension or health care.... OR for not getting paid the hours you actually work, which I'm sure happens more than you want to admit. Oh, I'm sure the promises of aspiring to be the assistant-mid-manager-to-the-mid-superintendent-to-the-assitant-of-corporate-fuck overs is enough to keep you motivated. By then you'll be making $15.50 per hour. Whoppeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Oh.... maybe you've broken the glass ceiling and you're making $20.00 per hour without benefits. Pardon me. Still... BFD. You're at poverty level. Techno-sweatshop???? You're living it.
Soooo... keep your job for Clearisil users. Too bad you work for a bunch of corporate fucks. I know some of you are smart and will figure it out. You will wake up and realize you are working for the WalMart of office supplies and you are getting used. To you I apologize. You deserve better, and I hope you get it. To the rest........ (explative).
I finally figured it out as a consumer. Sure, I will pay more for what I need, but I will be rid of the toxic, greedy asses that flood American capitalism.
Believe it or not, some of the most stinging comments left on my blog are from current Staples employees. Nice company public relations marketing strategy. I'm sure it works well -- NOT. Piss off money coming in the door. Need I comment more on their intellectual status (or lack thereof)?
I find it amusing and pathetic that some Staples employees immediately jumped to corporate's defense completely bashing my story without even knowing the complete facts involved or what actually took place. I did receive comments from some Staples employees (and former employees) acknowledging the games Staples played in fucking over consumers. I love you. You speak the truth.
Now.... onto the others.....
I can tell that not one of the stinging, acidic comments I received was from a person over the age of 30. I leave your comments up to prove to the public how arrogance and ignorance often go hand-in-hand. This lends me to believe that there are paid bloggers out there trying to diminish any negative comments about their corporate master and to undermine my experience. I could easily delete your comments, but they're too funny and only self incriminate. You further prove my point without any effort on my part whatsoever. Thank you.
I can just see the company handbook. I'm sure there is extra pay for employees to troll the internet looking for posts that dare to bring light to their fascist, corporate ways and BASH THEM WITHOUT KNOWING THE FACTS!!! Still, not *one* comment has answered my bottom line issue: Staples insisted my computer had a liquid spill. It did not. Staples lied.
To the acidic Staples commentators: Just wait to see how gung-ho you are when you finally figure out that you're getting fucked over for not getting a decent pension or health care.... OR for not getting paid the hours you actually work, which I'm sure happens more than you want to admit. Oh, I'm sure the promises of aspiring to be the assistant-mid-manager-to-the-mid-superintendent-to-the-assitant-of-corporate-fuck overs is enough to keep you motivated. By then you'll be making $15.50 per hour. Whoppeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Oh.... maybe you've broken the glass ceiling and you're making $20.00 per hour without benefits. Pardon me. Still... BFD. You're at poverty level. Techno-sweatshop???? You're living it.
Soooo... keep your job for Clearisil users. Too bad you work for a bunch of corporate fucks. I know some of you are smart and will figure it out. You will wake up and realize you are working for the WalMart of office supplies and you are getting used. To you I apologize. You deserve better, and I hope you get it. To the rest........ (explative).
I finally figured it out as a consumer. Sure, I will pay more for what I need, but I will be rid of the toxic, greedy asses that flood American capitalism.
Well fuck you.
You talk about us being "low-lifes"? You're the one who is blogging about your experiences at staples. Get a life.
Jeez Sherlock, you sure go the jump on this one. I can see your next blog now... "The sky is blue!", "Humans need air to breathe!". And yes I'm a low-life because I have a part time job to help support my education so that I can have a successful and rewarding career later on.
Writing a tl;dr blog on how shitty an office supply store that you visited leads me to believe you have a very intersting life.
Wow.... I'm just impressed that anybody actually reads my shitty, pathetic blog let alone to take the time to respond.
p.s. same fag
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