Friday, June 26, 2009

Mark Sanford: South Carolina Governor

The uber-conservative South Carolina Governor, Mark Sanford (married, father of four), was caught in his affair with some woman from Argentina. How's that for family values, you right-wing nut jobs? It seems they all get caught with their wiener where it's not supposed to be. The irony is too much.

Yesterday's paper included the steamy e-mails between Mark Sanford and his mistress. Wow.... the poor bastard is in love, and we as society are totally bashing him. His e-mails to his mistress were full of love and passion. Personally, I would KILL to get such e-mails from a man. It's enough for this left-wing-uber-liberal woman to jump party lines (no pun intended) if these consevative Republicans have so much pent up passion in them.

Let's put this in perspective. This man's fall from grace is being in love. I have a hell of a lot more respect for that than some of these other politicians who are getting away with killing, stealing, and screwing the public.

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