Thursday, August 15, 2024

Trip Home to Minnesota

 I just got back from visiting my family and friends in Minnesota.  Let me start by stating that my friends often feel more like my family.  It's a long and complicated story, but the connection I feel with my coven is extra special.  We have been friends since we were weeeeeeeeeee ones.  We are still friends to this day - BY CHOICE.  

Another thing I must state out loud.  Mosquitoes love me.  I am all bit up.  The love affair mosquitoes have with me is not reciprocated.  Minnesota is laden with mosquitos.  I have all sorts of lotions and ointments on my body to relieve the itching from the many bites.  It does not work all that well (for me).  

Another thing I must state out loud.  Minnesota has TERRIBLE drivers.  Wait.  We all thought they were all known for being nice, right?  That's how they market themselves.  Minnesota NICE.  What a bunch of hooey.  Minnesota drivers tailgate right-up-on-your-butt.  And no, I don't drive like an old lady.  I'm used to California Bay Area traffic and all the weird stuff that can happen on the roadways.  Minnesota drivers are two inches from your rear bumper and staring you down.  It makes California drivers super considerate in comparison as you can't see the whites of the tailgater's eyes in your rear view mirror and the associated eye daggers being lodged at you like you can with Minnesota drivers who are driving on your beeeee-hineeeeey.

Trip highs:  I got to see my friends.  Wait.  Calling them friends seems a disservice to them.  They mean more to me than friends.  I truly believe we are connected at the soul level.  It's no accident we were born at the same time/location.  We were meant to interact with each other.  Seeing them always brings joy to me.  We just GET each other.  

Another high was being together with ALL my siblings and my mom at the same time.  That does not happen very often.  I *know* my dad was there.  I can't explain it, but his favorite songs would suddenly play on the radio.  They are very specific songs.  There was also the cardinal on the telephone wire that stayed and stayed and stayed.  A cardinal is a sign of a beloved spirit who has passed.  There were also little things that would move themselves around the house like tools and whatnot that my sister SWORE she put in a certain area.   Plus there were the smells and shadows that were definitely dad.  He died in the house.  Of course his energy resonates. 

 I also got to see my nieces.  Two of my nieces drove a long way just to see me.  I feel honored for that.  However, there is one niece I'm very worried about.  Long story.   

My friends all took the time and trouble to come and see me.  They brought Tasty Pizza!!!  We missed SYB and TYD, but I get it.  Everybody has stuff going on.  Still, my besties showed up in force.  SSP, JLB, and PMF came to see me at my mom's house.  I do NOT take that for granted.  I'm so honored to have friends like them.  xxoo  PMF stayed until well after everybody else went home.  It was nice to hear what was going on in her life. 

Trip lows:  I did not get to go to Dairy Queen for my blizzard.  LOL.  I did go to the White Castle drive-thru for my brothers and nephews at some ungodly hour for double cheeseburgers, onion chips, and french fries.  The ozone layer now suffers from the consequences of my brothers and nephews for emitting toxic gasses into the universe.  Yup.  They are causing global warming.  I dare say they contributed to the general warming of mom's house as well.  Nobody can go upstairs after my brothers and nephews have feasted on White Castle without gagging and choking. the windows....even if it's -40*

Other trip lows....and this is on a serious note.  

Mom's mental capacity is slipping.  She sure can hide it temporarily when she has an audience.  Mom knows how to put on a show to make others think she's not losing it.  Anything to make it look like it's everybody ELSE and not HER who is is losing it.  

My sister and I had a two-hour conversation today about the things she gets upset about that have nothing to do with anybody except herself.  Yet, she wants to blame somebody else.  

Talk so me at some point about the chair condoms.  I kid you not.  I can't make this stuff up, people. 





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