Monday, December 11, 2023

If you want to reach me ....leave me alone

 I think my son said it best the other day when he was up here visiting from San Jose.  We were outside in the backyard basking in the sounds, sights and smells of a Sonoma County December afternoon.  The hummingbird feeders were abuzzzzzz with humming birds dive bombing each other, chirping, and getting their fill.  The hummingbirds are almost tame around my son and I. 

My son and I were talking about life and society.   We both did not have our cell phones anywhere near us.  It was so peaceful.  We had a long conversation.  Nothing was beeping nor pinging demanding we stop what we were doing to pay attention to what others want from us.  

That's when my son said it.  He said, "I'm so over everything jumping up and down flashing, waving and demanding my attention." 

Wow.  Anti-technology attitudes coming from from a millennial.  A millennial who lives in in the technology mecca of Silicon Valley at that.  

Even they have had enough.  

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