Monday, January 16, 2023

Martin Luther King Day

 Please don't judge this post unless you read the entire thing.  Well, go ahead and judge because your opinion does not drive me.  

Going back about 25 years or so I was involved in a contentious labor-management contract negotiations.  Just my being female and in the room was something new.  Both sides of the committees were crusty, brash men.  The term PC had not even been coined yet.  

During one of the meetings labor proposed that Martin Luther King Day be recognized as a holiday under the new contract.  One of the management representatives snorted back, "Go ahead and shoot four more of those fucking niggers and take the whole week off for all I care."

I write this not to stir up racism.  I write this to point out how far we have come since then.  Management has taken a total 180* turn by endorsing DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion).  And yes, MLK Day is now a recognized holiday under the contract. 

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