Sunday, December 4, 2022

Help! I can't taste nor smell!

 A symptom of COVID is losing the ability to taste and smell.  Everything was OK until last night while making dinner.  Granted, I don't have a lot of energy these days.  I went to make an easy but hearty black bean and pablano chili to help us with our COVID congestion and loosen things up a bit.  

I went for healthy, spicy, flavorful, and easy.  It's something the doctor would be approve of you eating along with all hairy-armpit, vegan fascists. 

Sigh.  I digress.

Anyway, I was making my black bean pablano chili and, like all cooks do, I taste to "see what else it needs" as far as seasonings.  Hmmmmm.... could use a little more spice.  Add spice.  Stir.  Simmer another 10 minutes.  Taste.  Hmmmmmmm....could use a little more spice.  Add spice.  Stir.  Simmer another 10 minutes.  Rinse and repeat.  

At that point hubby comes into the kitchen wondering when dinner will be ready.  I told him that I just can't get the seasoning right on the chili.  He tasted it and I thought fire was going to come out his mouth like a dragon from Games of Thrones. 

I have no idea when my sense of taste and smell will return.  All I can say is that it completely sucks the joy out of cooking AND eating. 

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