Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Why ME?

 I've been handed a HUGE responsibility from the universe in regards to my job.  Long story short, I'm going to Washington D.C. for binding arbitration on a labor dispute that will impact millions of construction dollars going forward.  

If I had an ego I would be gloating about it as it is a very high profile dispute and all the industry is buzzing about it.  The truth is that I don't have an ego and I understand the complexities of the case; therefore, I'm terrified - and wishing that somebody else would be on the stand and presenting.  

How I got involved in it and why I am the point person is a complete fluke.  I did not seek this out.  It's too long of a story to even try to explain.  

In addition to all my other job duties which include but are not limited to:  health benefits, pension benefits, labor law, accounting, labor relations, OSHA/safety, apprenticeship, etc.,  I am now tasked at being an instant traffic construction engineer who is supposed to be well versed in fiber optic cable traffic systems and all the intricacies.  

Next time you enter an intersection with a traffic light, just know there is a LOT going on other than the light being red, yellow, or green.  So much is happening information/technology-wise behind the scenes and how it gets broken down it would make your head spin.  

My head is spinning.  



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