Saturday, February 15, 2020

House Ingrate Germ Fest

Hello, I'm an 80 year-old co-dependent woman who fawns over her 53 year-old alcoholic, irresponsible daughter and her two daughters (my granddaughters) while my other daughter, who is a responsible and a functioning citizen of society is ignored.

I reward my alcoholic, irresponsible daughter with lavish monetary gifts.  She also lives at my house rent free. Her two daughters (my granddaughters) also live at my house rent-free.  There is no accountability.  There is a houseful of able bodied adults and I'm still the one cleaning toilets and mopping the floors.  Now my one granddaughter knocks herself up because the baby daddy's non-English speaking family wants an "anchor baby." 

Anchor Baby is now two years old and I babysit my great-granddaughter for free full-time.  My granddaughter, Anchor Baby's mother, can't seem to find a minimum paying job nearby so she commutes 40 minutes each way to work her minimum paying job.  I drive to pick up Anchor Baby and bring her back to my house where I will babysit for the next 12 hours.

Now Anchor Baby brings home a nasty virus.  My health is already compromised and I landed in the hospital for 5 days.  Now Anchor Baby's mother is upset because she has to provide and arrange care for her own kid. 

I'm so sorry.  I did not mean to land in the hospital unable to breathe.  Please bring Anchor Baby back to me so I can be killed by her. 

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