Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Sick Healer

I know a lady who has devoted her life to:  yoga, meditation, veganism, spirituality, healing the energy of others, etc.  She is the holiest person I know.  She practices what she preaches and calls herself out on her own hypocrisy.  She does not shove any particular belief system down your throat, but waits until you're ready and then suggests belief systems to explore.  None are off limits.

For years she has been trying to get me to be a yoga regular as she has taught yoga for years.  I always had an excuse not to be a regular.  One day it hit me out of the blue that I should just be a regular to see what happens.  What's the worst thing that could happen?  I stretch muscles that have not been stretched in decades?   I fall down doing a balance asana?  It's time to get over myself and  I seek out classes my friend is teaching and join.  I made it about a month or so before my friend resigned from teaching.  Why did she resign?  She came down with a mystery illness that is still not diagnosed to this day.  This was May and it's now October. 

I'm genuinely worried about her.  We text and email back and forth, and I have seen her a couple of times.  My gut feeling is that she is just simply depleted from taking on and healing everybody's energy except her own. 

As for yoga, I'm still a regular and it does make a difference in the way I think and feel.  I highly recommend it.  In yesterday's class men outnumbered women (for once) and the instructor was male.  I'm really happy that it's catching on with guys as I think they need it even more than women do. 


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