Monday, October 28, 2019

On Fire - AGAIN

Sonoma County is on fire....again. I've managed to find the sliver of Sonoma County that actually has electricity and an operating internet service.  Our power has been out since Saturday.  The entire county is on edge.  Schools and some businesses are closed.  The air has an unhealthy level of smoke.  At times like these, a sense of humor is paramount. 

Here's a song Sonoma County can relate to "Boom Boom - Out Go The Lights"  by the Pat Travers Band.  I bet you forgot about it.  You'll remember it when you play it. What a great band!!!!!  So much TALENT.

Let's not forget about Billy Squire lamenting that he's In The Dark.  Don't feel too badly, Billy, we are in the dark as well.

......and let's not forget that Midnight Oil is also lamenting that they can't sleep while their beds are burning.  Neither can we.  

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