Friday, August 16, 2019

Sonoma County Septic Systems

Yes, when your crap impacts others it's your responsibility to deal with it.  Literally.  There's controversy in the western part of Sonoma County about old septic systems polluting the Russian River.  Landowners will have to do their fair share of septic upkeep.

Now the landowners are whining about it.

Clue to the clueless:  When you purchase property YOU are responsible for clearing trees and brush, painting your house, mowing your lawn, keeping your fences maintained, AND dealing with your septic system. 

If you're too dumb to figure in those expenses when purchasing the property, you should have never purchased it.  Don't come whining to me saying you need a bailout to keep up YOUR property.  I don't need any of your sh**.  Literally. 

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