Friday, August 23, 2019

Sonoma County Aristocracy

It exists, folks.  The Sonoma County Aristocracy.  You will know when/if you're ever accepted into it.  There is no formal coronation.  There are no invitations.  There's no news paper article announcing it.  It just IS.

Sure, you may have plenty of money; but, if you are a transplant from somewhere else (cough, cough southern California or New York) entrance into the 'club' is superficial at best.  You may be welcomed with warm smiles at parties and fund raising events thinking you can buy your way in, but you will never be one of them.  

Where you grew up is one of the most determining factors of belonging to the club.  Also, if you have relatives in the area is also a determining factor.  Where did you go to grade school?  Where does your grandma live?  If it's Sonoma County, your stock is rising.  Do you have cousins in the area?  Where do you play golf?  Hint:  The most expensive course is not where they all hang out.

Seriously, there is this web of society where the aristocracy is all connected.  There is a circle of names where they all tend to know each other.  They do business with each other.  It's all about keeping the money local and with the local families.

I have to give the 'club' credit for supporting local businesses and families.  If Sonoma County does not look after its own, nobody else will. 

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