Monday, May 20, 2019

The Pee Tree

Once upon a time a little boy (aged 4) spent a lot of time on his family's ranch in Sonoma County.  The little boy associated that being outside meant he could pee on a tree.  Little Boy goes to preschool.  The preschoolers are unleashed outside to play.  Little boy wonders off to the back corner of the playground to pee on a tree.

One would have thought North Korea was dropping a nuke directly on top of the preschool as complete overreaction and hysteria ensued.  The preschool director was reaching for any and all sexual harassment situations and investigation protocols outlined in the school's policies and procedures.  The school's swat team of of counselors swarmed in to see if any other kids experienced any trauma that could lead to PTSD that could be traced to witnessing a little boy's privates urinating on a tree.  Child protective services conducted an investigation to see if Little Boy was experiencing abuse at home.

.....all the while Little Boy had no idea what he did wrong...

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