Saturday, May 11, 2019

Gavin Newsom

So, Gavin Newsome has "found" a surplus to combat homelessness and illegal immigrants.  Really?  What about our:  Infrastructure, crappy schools, public pension obligations, veterans, elderly, and basically everybody who has been trying to do the RIGHT and LEGAL thing all of their lives. 

Moral of the story:  Be an illegal fuh-cup and the government will bend over backwards for you to find money that does not exist.  Oh it exists, off the backs of those who have given their lives paying their taxes. 

I don't sit here pretending I have the answers.  I don't.  There are no answers.  I just get perturbed when the state cries poor mouth and then suddenly "finds" money for everybody EXCEPT those who have done the right thing.

If Newsom is so brilliant and has all the answers, why did not he solve the homeless and illegal immigrant problem while he was in San Francisco? 

pfffffffffft.  Good luck, pretty boy.  You're full of the feces that plague the San Francisco sidewalks. 

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