Monday, May 20, 2019

The Divorce - FINALLY

My office assistant has been having an affair with a guy in England for 8-10 years now?  I can't keep track.  Rewind 30 years:  They met here in California when she was still single and he just got married and had a kid.  I guess she did not want to be a home wrecker.

Whatever.  He goes back to England and she stays here in California. 

The sparks were too hot to handle and they reconnected some 8-10 years ago.  Here's the problem:  She's married to a decent guy and they have two kids.  Mr. English Dude is twice divorced with 5 kids....AND....he's prohibited from entering the United States because of something on his record (red flag).  He's telling her it's because he used to be a Hell's Angel back in 1986, but I'm not buying it.

Cliff's Notes:  English Dude can't come to U.S. because of something that allegedly happened over 30 years ago while riding his motorcycle up and down California....hmmmmmmmmmm.

Long story short the word is out and my office assistant's husband is FINALLY filing for divorce.  Thank GODDESSES.  I usually don't drive anybody to the airport, but I will make an exception for Office Assistant as she has done less than nothing for the last 12 years.   I will even help her pack. 

Little does Office Assistant know that she's about to go from the frying pan into the fire.  She thinks the grass is greener.  Not my place to judge nor preach.  All I see is the opportunity for her to jettison out of here.  Hallelujah.  BUH-BYE. 

I don't care.  Please, Office Assistant, go across the pond to get your jollies.  Don't think you have to stick around here because you think the office will implode if you are gone.  It won't.


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