Friday, November 16, 2018

Fake News

I've hung onto this for a while as it's bothering me.  As much as I hate to admit it, there is something to this "fake news" that the Reigning Orange Cheeto keeps talking about.

Last month I had the opportunity to be in the same room with President Cheeto.  He gave a polished, professional speech about investing in America's workforce for skilled labor.  He did not say one thing negative about anybody.  He did not wander off topic and speak about anything else other than skilled labor.  This was when the entire Kavanaugh controversy was going on and we were all glued to the hearings.

The next day the Associated Press (AP) used President Cheeto's photograph when addressing our industry with a headline denouncing Kavanaugh.  Our organization's logo was all over in the background.  It made it appear that our organization was supporting the Kavanaugh appointment.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  President Cheeto did not mention ANYTHING about the Superior Court controversy.  However, there it was.  Published by the AP.  President Cheeto's photo with our organization's logo all over the background with a Kavanaugh headline.  It went even further.  There was also a picture of President Cheeto donning a hat our organization had given him.  The photographer happened to catch President Cheeto in a not-so-flattering moment.  That photo was also used in the same article making President Cheeto look like he was foaming at the mouth.  Yes, President Cheeto made a funny face and cracked a joke when the hat was put on his head, but again, nothing negative was ever said.

For AP to associate the speech that was given to our organization and use it for Kavanaugh is misleading and irresponsible.  We were all shocked what the AP published.  WE WERE ALL THERE IN THE SAME ROOM AND HEARD THE SAME SPEECH.  Even the anti-Cheeto members of our group were upset.

Associated Press:  You ARE fake news.  At the very best, it's spun to fit your own agenda. President Cheeto gives the press several opportunities to report on unflattering tweets, twits, and whatever else.  Don't make it up nor embellish.  No wonder people don't believe the press.

On another note, our wildfires are out of control.  President Cheeto tweeted something about how we all deserved it because so much money has been given to California for fire management.  At first glance it's a cold, uncaring statement.  However, let's dig into this a little more.  Why isn't the press following the money that has been given to California?  Where did it go?  One would think the press would be all over this trying to prove President Cheeto wrong.  The press is silent.  Maybe it's our own state government we should be upset with?  California is quick to point out that a lot of the land is federally owned.  However, that's why we receive funding from the feds to manage it.  The press has not touched this with a ten-foot pole.  It's so much easier to blame PGE. 

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