Thursday, March 29, 2018

No Money Know Money

There's a common response to when people are asked to pay what they owe.  The first thing out of their mouths is, "I don't have any money.  I can't pay what I owe.  I need a break."


Let's see.....they posted all over Facebook their latest vacation.  They show pictures of their new cars.  They brag about sending their kids to LaTiDa University. 

These people are not destitute.  They just don't think managing their money is important.  They don't know the golden rule of finance:  The GoesInTo has to be more than the GoesOutOf. 

It's that simple, folks. 

We don't have a problem with people with no money, we have a shortage of people who know money. 

Track your income and expenses, people.  It's not rocket science.  Don't whine to me stating you can't pay your bills while you're going out to dinner, concerts, getting a new tatoo, and traveling. 

I pay my bills, you pay yours. 

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