Friday, September 8, 2017

The Human Virus

I think it was the X-Files movie or one of the tv episodes.  I can't remember.  Anyway, the plot revolved around the theory that humans were a virus to earth.  Think about that. 

What does a virus do once it invades its host?  It multiplies exponentially sucking off the host (earth) until either one of two things happen:
1.  The virus (people) kills the host (earth);
2.  The host's (earth) immune system will kick into overdrive in an attempt to kill the virus (people) off. 

We can kid ourselves for a little while longer, but we can't have it both ways.  We can't live our modern lifestyle without killing the earth.  That includes Prius driving, organic free-trade coffee drinkers with their iPhones and liberal bumper stickers and FaceBook posts. 

We can't continue to mindlessly pump out more humans without seriously considering the impact more humans have on this earth with ever decreasing natural and economic resources.  I, for one, would like to see an environmental impact study done on THAT. 

So what's it going to be, Monty?  Door number 1 where we kill the earth, or door number 2 where the earth smites us? 

I've said this before and I'll say it again, mother earth will be just fine without us, but we can't live without her.....and Spock was's in our nature to destroy ourselves. 

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