Sunday, September 24, 2017

Hillary Clinton: What Went Wrong

We're still talking about the train wreck of the 2016 election.  Let's face it.  We were doomed.  The democrats, who say they are all about the will of the people, squashed Bernie Sanders.  I guess the democrats really don't care about the will of the people at all.  They only care about keeping their own internal sense of order and political payback system alive and strong.

So now Hillary wants us all to know what went wrong.  We know what went wrong.  She's the only one who didn't figure it out in time.  We don't need her self-serving book deal crying sour grapes trying to place blame on everybody else except herself.  No words are necessary.
p.s. I just figured out that with just one little typo Hillary Clinton could be Hillary Clingon.  Yup, a cling-on and clawing desperately for what she thought she was owed and entitled to.  Karma's a bitch...and no, that's not a misogynistic term although I'm certain in her mind she will twist it as such. No shame in a strong, female dog putting things in their proper place now is there?  

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