Sunday, November 29, 2015

2016 Presidential Election

Quiet Rage has been quiet in the political arena.  Why?  Because you dip shits really think it matters who resides in the White House?  Wow.  You all are dumber than I thought.  Corporations (which your US Supreme Court sanctioned as 'people') selects your president which goes to the highest bidder.  Your president is selected as to whom has the most curb appeal and can shush the masses the longest before another president is selected.  You all get false hope.  Nothing changes.  The cycle continues.

That's why Hillary is perfect for the job.  She is a seasoned Femme-bot and life-long politician. However, I can't stand the thought of another Clinton or Bush in the White House.  There is something inherently wrong if two names dominate the presidential races for almost 40 years.  Ya think the cards are stacked?  No duh.

Then you get some republicans handing out turkeys to Mexicans for their vote.  Really?  That's the best strategy the republicans can think of to win over an entire voting base?  Fire the campaign strategist immediately.  Let's follow the republican logic:......shit on the entire Mexican voting base, use them as slave labor, don't allow them to drive and reluctantly issue them second class citizen status, don't offer health care or a pension, pay cash wages under the table to avoid payroll taxes and denying them a chance to build up social security benefits over their lifetime, but ONE FREE TURKEY WILL WIN THEM OVER!!!!!!!

That is the most retarded strategy ever employed.  The Koch brothers are the ones really running this country, anyway.

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