Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday: Super Bowl Monday

Ahhhhhhh.  Super Bowl Sunday.  It's better than Christmas some may say.  Why?  Because there is no pressure to travel across the country to spend it with relatives who drive you nuts.  No pressure to get a shopping list together for gifts.  No pressure to get dressed up in ugly, holiday sweaters -- any old sports jersey will do.  No sappy, overly joyous songs that make you want to punch the sound system speakers. 

It's just food, football, and friends (and of course a little wine/beer). What's not to love?

This year MSS and I are doing a bunch of cooking for a friend's Super Bowl party.  Funny.  MSS and I are ALWAYS invited to events that center around food.  I suppose it's because MSS and I thought of opening up a catering gig or restaurant at one point.  People LOVE our food.  People downright beg for it.  Therefore, we get invited to lots of parties;)

Switching gears, I'm going to share a little human resources information tid bit.  The most unproductive day of the year and the day that has the most absenteeism is the Monday after Super Bowl.  Employers plan for this.  We know about 1/4 of the workforce will be late, not show up at all, or be completely hung over.  We want to establish it as a national non-work day. 

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