Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Anti-Immunizations - Hairy Armpit Club

Front page of the Santa Rosa Press Democrat today implored the "vegan-hairy-tree-hugger-bisexual-prius-driving-whole-foods-shopping-organic-garden-environmentalists" femme bots lot to PLEASE get your kids immunized. 

...and that goes for the mothers of these youngsters, too.. and not just the "Whoz Yo Daddy" sperm doners...

Thanks a lot, West County Hairy Armpit Club.  We welcome diseases like whooping cough and measles back into the masses because YOU wanted your 'religious exemption.' Great.  Just because your kid did not score 100+ on the "My Kid is Better Than Your Kid" state exam you're looking for someone/something to blame.  Yup.  It's vaccinations.  Damn it.  Vaccinations have saved millions but there MUST be a link because your kid is STUPID and unfit for polite society.....and have been vaccinated. 

Really?  You are all such hippo-crates.  You shun medical advances that have a proven effect on the betterment of the greater good while your 'save-the-world-we-are-all-one-save-the-whales' equality sticker on the back of your Subaru speeds away from the very belief system you pretend to belong to.  It's about the 'Common Good for All' until something rubs *YOU* the wrong way.  

Then you're balls out.  True colors show. 

Please.  Drive off a cliff with your cell phone in hand and Junior securely fastened in her car seat listening to Baby Einstein whilst your bitching about the evils of modern medicine and technology to your like-minded Bored Moms on Prozac friends mid sentence. 

We are all hoping that cliff is good and steep.....(sigh).....  Chances are your kid would have just grown up to be the sniveling whiner his/her parents were.  Buh-BYE!!!!!!

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