Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tuesdays With Morrie: Quiet Rage Style

Do you all remember to book "Tuesdays with Morrie" about a guy who was super busy doing his day-to-day busy work routine crap but took the time to visit Morrie each Tuesday who was dying?Morrie's words of wisdom to the author about traps of life are haunting to the core.

For starters, the superficial things we think are important really are not.  If you think about it, most of our stress and busy work is artificially created by our own egos.  Your pet dog does not worry about taxes, the mortgage, clothing, test scores and grades, etc.  We created these traps and associated judgements ourselves.

Now I have my own personal version of Tuesdays with Morrie going on.  A woman I have known since childhood and looked up to has been told she has six months to a year to live.  Now, when faced with the end of life, can I hear her hopes, dreams, regrets, and what would have been done differently....  I guarantee none of it involves forms, paper, receipts, documents, etc.

I have this feeling that I already know the answer myself, but I have yet to embrace it:  Love more, judge less.  Feel more, think less.

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