Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Internet Giants Do NOT Respect Boundaries

Be careful out there in cyberland.  I think all of our smart phones, iPads, email blah, blah, blah is now being recognized as the privacy nightmare it is. 

Told you so.

I strongly discourage you from downloading any "mobile apps" that are marketed using the cool, in, hipster crowd.  For starters, the security is not secure.  Second of all, can you truly concentrate on the task at hand while on a bus or other public place where strangers are looking over your shoulder?  Besides, the whole myth of multitasking is a complete lie.  We do thousands of things half-ass and nothing with conscious precision and detail -- which leads me back to security not being secure. 

There are so many layers of technology involved and cross-programming that detail and precision are not there like you are led to believe.  Programmers and tech developers are pushed to do whatever it takes to get their app up and running.  Minute details such as security get pushed under the rug.  If security were truly secure, none of the apps would actually work. 

Be VERY leery of what you do online and with your smart phone.  Those who use their smart phones for just calls, texts, and other simple communications are truly the smart ones.  All the other free apps are just a Trojan horse.  

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