Thursday, January 26, 2012

San Francisco Bay Area Map

Click on photo to enlarge.  I stole this from a very astute young man.   LOVE IT!!!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Petaluma Dutra Plant

Wow.... the Bored Moms on Prozac committee is all over this one.  I wonder just how many of them showed up to the meeting to protest driving a SUV? 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Facebook is EVIL

It's about to go public, people..... all the crap you have posted is about to become a corporate data gold mine.  You have freely shared every detail of your life: where you live, to whom you are married, where you work, where you went to school, where you went on vacation, names of friends, names and ages of your children, in addition to what you had for dinner along with mundane status updates of your daily life COMPLETE WITH PICTURES that are now scanned for face recognition software to complete the Big Brother database.

Do yourselves a favor and DELETE it all NOW.  Still, what has once been electronically posted lives forever. Stop the privacy hemorrhaging.  

Friday, January 20, 2012

Faith vs. Deeds

I had the pleasure of having my son home on military leave for a bit.  Now that he's a grown man and completely independent, he has no qualms telling me about the incidents that have scarred him for life.  Here's one from days LONG gone by when I actually gave organized religion some credit.  I was still influenced by the elder in-laws.  Mistake.

Anyway, the church incident that my son could not wrap his brain around actually explains why the far right so-called Christians is so full of hypocrites. I think it's the Repubican mantra (misspelling intended).  See, it's not the DEEDS done WRONG that God judges....... it's the depth of your FAITH.

WTF??????  Let's follow this non-logic.  You can axe murder an entire village....... but if you have true FAITH, your deeds will be forgiven.  It sure explains why so many holier-than-thou right wingers commit horrible deeds, but then turn around and get all preachy on everybody else.  See, it's OK to screw over other people and act like a complete ass.......... just as long as you tell God at night how much you believe, and then get up in front a bunch like-minded morons every Sunday and reiterate.

What a load of crap.

Did I say moron?  Oh, I thought it was Mormon.  I want to ask Mitt Romney if he is wearing his special, protective, secret underwear that was given him as a rite of passage when Morons turn of age.  It will stop a speeding bullet.  It will shield against all the evil free thinkers who dare question such blind faith.  I guess the special underwear kind of works like Superman's cape -- you know -- all full of special powers and such.

Good Luck with that.....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Things I miss.....

Donny Osmond
Jimmy Carter
Old Dutch Potato Chips (ha ha ha)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Well, my predictions for 2011 came true.  I won't bore you with re-posting them as any moron could have predicted them.  You know, politicians lying, Wall Street execs getting away with financially raping us, etc.  Basically..... the theme is the working guy trying to do the right thing and being honest is getting screwed with out a kiss while the people who break the rules get rewarded.  Period. 

My wish for 2012?  Other than mid-east terrorists blowing up Wall Street execs and their whore politicians in elevators?  hmmmmmmmm  Just WHERE is Freddy Kruger with Ahmad Kameel when you need them? 

Here is my wish for 2012.  I have a dear, dear friend back home who is dealing with cancer.  Her wish?  Just to not have cancer.  How pure of a wish is that?  Here I blog and bitch about meaningless shit that pisses me off...and in the big picture none of what I bitch about means shit.  M's wish????? Just to NOT have to deal with cancer.  My wish is her wish.....  Telling cancer to f*** off so we can continue blasting our "mutual" friends on facebook, drink wine, and laugh at your collective dumb-asses.

Sorry, M, I did not post pics of myself naked in my bedroom, nor did I post pics of myself cleaning my boyfriends teeth with my tongue. Just WHAT would we laugh at????????   Our love being like chili and onions???? Bwa-haaaaaaaaa...  just remember always.... as I start my truck in the morning to go to work, the key that starts my truck is like the key to your heart. 

Yes.... people post lame shit like this on fb..... we laugh at YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Old Dutch Potato Chips

Those from the midwest can still hear the jingle to this day.......... "Old Dutch Potato Chips."

Oh yeah..... there is still the familiar chip bag at 7-11 next to the slurpee machine with the big-ass picture of the wind mill on it.......

My BFF from grade school used to baffle me with the sandwiches she would eat.  It was bologna in between two slices of white bread , a slice of velveta, Miracle Whip, and topped with OLD DUTCH POTATO CHIPS.  The chips would give it that irrristible sandwich crunch.  To hell with Taco Bell thinking their "crunch wrap supreme" with ooozy cheese and corn chips is something new.  We've been scarfing that toxic shit since we first got stoned in 1975. 

Fat.  Salt.  Crunch.  We were in heaven.  You ain't got nothin' on us.  Try again.  Homeboy.