Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Does this place even qualify as an establishment serving food? IMHO, it is nothing more than McDonalds without the wrappers. They do have a couple of televisions to watch the over rated sports dood of the week along with cheap booze and bad beer. Oh, and don't forget to tip the server.

I had the (unpleasant) experience of meeting some collegues at a Sonoma County Applebee's for lunch recently. Why? I don't know. Anyway, the place was pretty busy for a Monday at lunch. I could not understand how the place could be so busy with people hurting for jobs and housing forclosures, but hey..... I'm not their personal accountant, and maybe (just MAYBE) they all just inherited a shit load of money and can afford to pay $9.00 for a shitty hamburger.

Which brings me to Table B. Table B had what looked like a mom, dad, and three small children. Table B kids threw tantrums and also dumped piles of animal crackers, pretzels, crayons, kleenex, etc., under the table where they sat.

Parents of Table B just got up and left when they were finisned with their meal. I was agast at the pile of debris they left behind. I would have been ashamed to leave such a large pile of trash my children were responsible for.

Applebees attracts all the finest.... American SCUM (myself included). I do have to lend some sympathy for Applebee's staff. Our waitress was a hard worker. Her timing was impeccable. I'm sure she hated cleaning up after some slob's kids over on Table B. It's not her fault she works for a shitty fast food chain while trying to go to school. She does not have a rich dad, either. She's trying to do the best she can.

Morale of the story: Go to Applebees if you don't feel like microwaving your own Lean Cuisine and serving it to yourself. Plus, you will be subject to the obnoxious behavior of the Table B brats as they throw their gold fish crackers at you whilst their oblivious parents order yet another round of flat beer.

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