Saturday, December 18, 2010

Immigrant Song

Tonight on the History Channel there was a show on what people go through to become legalized citizens of the United States. They had emotional, heart-wrenching stories. They came from impoverished nations, war zones, and other you-name-it-hell. Their dream? To live in the United States and become a proud, productive, citizen.

The buracracy involved in the process is mind boggling. The red tape is never ending. Still, these new residents RESPECT the laws of the land and are ensuing tremendous hardship to be here legally.

When listening to their stories, I actually cried. I wanted to shout through to them at the television, "JUST GO THROUGH THE MEXICAN BORDER -- EVERYBODY ELSE DOES!"

Now tell me, just how is it FAIR to the immigrants who are actually playing by the rules in comparison to the swarms of illegals coming up through Mexico? It's not. The legal immigrants actually want to productively partake in society instead of just popping out anchor babies to ensure staying here, and getting pissed when they aren't coddled and given hand outs for life, and then suing because road signs aren't posted in Spanish.

Sorry, Mexico, you don't have a monopoly on misery. There are plenty of other shit hole countries people are desperately trying to escape from to come here. Just what makes you think you're so special and deserve illegal entitlement and can break all the rules getting here? I dare you to answer. Oh, I forgot.... no hable Inglais. How convenient.

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