Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Assholes

Well HO, HO, HO to you all, too. This time of year seems to bring out the worst of human behavior when it's *supposed* to be about peace, love, etc., etc., etc., etc., ........................ you get my drift.

Impatient drivers, pushy shoppers, rude people, etc., etc., etc., get my drift.

The message is, "I love Jesus so much that I will maim a fellow human being to get the latest, material (fill in the blank) for my little Johnny from Santa Clause, at any price, and FUCK THE REST OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. Nice message, people.

No, I don't get up at 3:00 AM the day after Thanksgiving to shop. I would not be caught dead with those brainless morons pushing doors open to purchase gifts their spoiled brat kids will toss aside within 48 hours after opening.

No, I don't get up at 3:00 AM the day after Christmas to "get the sales." Who in the f*** cares? I already have enough tape, wrapping paper, bows, lights, cards, ornaments, etc., to last a few lifetimes and their surrounding communities. Oh, I should also mention I already possess a "hip swinging Santa." .... made in China (of course).

Sorry, I'd rather bitch on this useless blog, drink wine, and sleep until noon than partake in the brain dead consumerism that obsesses this culture.

Yeah, we NEED another Target store in Sonoma County.... Move to Rohnert Park if it's that important to you. You'll fit in with all the other moo-mom-cows in your "mom jeans." Aren't you late for a tupperware party, candle party, or something? Or, did you get kicked out of your Bunko group and need somewhere to go on Thursday nights....

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