Sunday, October 31, 2010

Anti-Public Employee Bias: California Elections 2010

Yes, there is LOTS of anti-public-employee-union-pension-pig propaganda floating around this election cycle. Yup, it's all the fault of the unions that the state of California is in the financial mess it's in.

Think about it. Union membership has SHRUNK to a miniscule percentage that once claimed a majority of the workforce -- both public and private. Nowadays, union jobs are few and far between in the private workforce, but still proliferate in the the public (government) sector. Why are unions still alive in the government sector? Because the government does not want a direct hand in endorsing poverty, unlike the private sector which does not give a shit.

Now the blame game. Once upon a time, back in the late '70's and early '80's my father said, "One day, in the not-too-distant- future, the people will be sorry the unions have gone away."

There is a lot of truth to that statement. Not so very long ago, workers were given something called benefits from their employers. Employees could count on a dignified wage, health package, and retirement. Not anymore.

Times changed, and with that the benefits workers counted on started to disappear. The public wanted their goods and services for cheap. Businesses responded by cutting their costs accordingly. Unions started to dwindle. Jobs were shipped overseas. Consumers were delighted in obtaining their cheap goods. Little did consumers know the joke was on them.

Now, in the light of of a MEG-a-billionaire (no pun intended) trying to purchase the highest office in California government with no expereicnce whatsoever, we have a life-long-pot-smoking-government-tit sucker trying (again) to be governor -- when Moonbean messed up so badly the first time around.

Who can fix this colossal California mess? Neither. Don't be fooled.

No, I don't buy the anti-union bullshit being put out there as the cause of financial ruin. However, I do know of many, MANY public employees who milk the system for all it's worth. My message to public employees: Get off your ass, do your job, and quit whining.

Message to private employees: Yes, you are getting fucked over. Don't blame anybody except your so-called neighbors and friends who want everything for "cheap" even though it means you will have no retirement and no job security.


Anonymous said...

Hoooooooly Shit. Were you in my living room tonight? You just quoted (almost word for word)a conversation between husband and my Father-In-Law, and Mother-In-Law. ALSO!!! A quote from a conversation visiting with my sister and my parents last night. I'm seriously freaked out about the similarities of what you wrote. It is SO TRUE and I am SO SCARED. The middle class will soon be a thing of the past I'm scared. I mean like to the point that I cant sleep.

Flywriter said...

Well and truthfully said. Could not agree with you more ....