Friday, October 8, 2010

"Daddy" Job Advancements to Incompetent Kids

There's a trend here in Sonoma County that's going on. Businesses are in the midst of phasing out the founder (usually the father) to his incompetent, spoiled, clueless kids. Also, the father has the tendency to appoint kids to made-up titles like "community affairs director" and other assorted bullshit titles to put his otherwise unemployable kids on the company dole.

In my 25 years of doing business here in the county, the kids are more than likely to be spoiled brats who, in actuality, have never worked a day in their lives other than for "daddy."

Oh, excuse me, they MAY have flipped a burger or two at the college fundraiser night. Does that count?

By and large, these kids would NEVER survive in the real working world without "Daddy" protecting them.

Don't get me wrong, there is always an exception to the rule.... I'm sure there are those kids out there who actually are qualified to take over or hold a position or actual relevance. However, by and large, these spoiled brats with a Hitler complex need their asses spanked by the rank and file who actually DO work and not just claim a corner office with a name plaque on the door.

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