Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kids in Restaurants

Personally, I don't think there should be any "age" requirements for kids to eat in restaurants. I've seen perfectly well behaved small children. On the flip side, I've also seen adults that should be ejected. Let me tell you a little true story:

When our son was small (age 5) we were dining in a nice restaurant. Our son was proudly displaying his best table manners and was delighted that he could join the grown-ups.

In walks a group of 4 adults (two senior citizens) and they were seated at the table next to us. The senior man began to loudly complain that the reason that they come to this restaurant is that it is child-free. He hated being subject to kids misbehaving at dinner.

While I agree that kids (or adults) should not be allowed to ruin another diner's experience, I became enraged that the senior man's comments were unjustly aimed at us.

I cooly turned to the senior man and said, "Funny.... but the only whining and crying I'm hearing is coming from an old man."

Silence. Not a peep thereafter.

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