Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Elder Swimmer

There is an elderly lady at the club I belong to. I see her there a lot hobbling in with a cane in one hand, and her bag containing her swimsuit in another. She shuffles her way slowly to the locker room. She puts on her swimsuit and inches her way out to the swimming pool.

That's where the magic transformation begins.

When she reaches the pool she elegantly enters the water. It is obvious she is comfortable in the water and that at one time she was a champion swimmer. She confidently swims laps that would put a 20-year-old-something to shame. She seems so free.....

After her swim she gets out of the water to regain her cane and again do the slow, pained shuffle back to the locker room to change.

In my opinion she is an amazing woman. I wish she had the same freedom of movement out of the pool that she has in the pool.....

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