Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yet Even More Facebook Annoyances

The list is getting pretty long here in regards to Facebook annoyances, and I'm thinking about deleting my account. I'm not *quite* there, yet but I'm close.

I started off my morning getting my coffee and opening up FB to see what's going on. In my FB inbox there was a message from a gal I graduated with 25 years ago (and have not seen or heard from since other than the recent FB friend-request-brush) pissed off at me because I did not invite her half way across the country to a recent gathering at my house of old friends.

WTF?????? Excuse me, but I had NO idea that I owed a free vacation weekend to people I have not spoken to, or had personal communication or contact with in 25 years let alone get a nasty FB message for not inviting them.

The other thing that is starting to piss me off is that FB is starting to be used like a badge of accomplishments and LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!! I don't care that your husband got "most successful businessman of the year" and that your status post groans about cleaning the six bathrooms in your gigantic house.

I do like to see pictures of kids, family and such.... that I don't mind. Just don't write a paragraph on how they are the salt of the earth, and so perfect and darling. We already know you think so. Just shut up and post the pic.

While we're on the subject of pix, PUH-LEEZE stop posting pix of yourselves in bikinis/speedos on vacation. TMI. I feel and taste a little bit of throw up in the back of my throat. It's that GAG reflex again.

The other thing that pisses me off now about FB is the stupid little world map that posts places you've been to. Who the fuck cares and what is the purpose???? So, you're a world-fuckin'-traveler and you've eaten monkey brains in Brazil. Big deal.

On the whole Facebook expeience, in the words of Austin Powers, "This is getting re-God-Damn-ridiculous."

I guess there really was a reason I parted company with so many Facebook people years ago. I think I need to do so again -- and leave no forwarding contact information. The people I really care about would know where to find me without Facebook now, anyway.....

Soooooo.... feel free to delete me as a "friend" as I don't give a crap, anyway.....

1 comment:

CG said...

Love this post! you're so good!