Friday, February 5, 2010

The Tortillia Curtain

The 'Bored Moms on Prozac Committee' is at it again. They are now stirring up shit with the Santa Rosa School Board in regards to the book selection The Tortilla Curtain.

The complaint is that the book contains sexism, racism, blah, blah, blah..... Anybody who has ever spent any time at a public high school knows that what really goes on is far worse than any stupid book could ever depict. Come on. Are the parents that out of it?

My bet is that it's the kids of the Bored Moms on Proazac who are the worst offenders. That's usually the case. "Not my little Jane/Johnny" usually has the worst potty mouth, manners, and deep seated psychological issues in regards to whatever their parents are soap-boxing about.

Tell you what, all the controversy is ENCOURAGING them to read the 'forbidden' book that has everybody so hyped-up.

So, shut the fuck up, go home, and do society a favor and don't reproduce anymore. Some of us have real problems.

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