Friday, April 24, 2009

Sharaton Restaurant Leftovers

I went to a lunch meeting at the local Sheraton Hotel not too long ago. The meeting included a sit-down lunch, and the portions were HUGE so I asked for a "to go" box so I could take my excess food home.

Request DENIED! WTF??? I could not believe my ears. Did I not pay for this food? Who are they to tell me that I can't take the food I purchased home?

"We're sorry, ma'am, but it's against our policy to allow food off the premisis," stated the college-aged employee as he tried to whisk my 1/2 finished food plate away.

Not so fast....

"I'm still working on mine," I quickly retorted back.

I was appalled that a hotel employee would state that the food I purchased was not really mine, but rather the property of the hotel and the hotel decides what to do with the portions I don't eat. If that's the policy, please charge me by the biteful. Do you think they would offer me a refund for what I did *not* eat and not allow me to take home? Of course not. All that entered my mind was what ridiculous lawsuit preceeded this stipid policy.

So.... while I sent college-aged-hotel-employee away to get me some more iced tea, I wrapped my leftovers in the hotel's linnen napkin and put it in my purse. That move was completely undignified, but it was the principal of the matter......


Shelly said...

I love it that you did that! I have a friend who carries baggies in her purse for this situation...I'll probably do the same once some ninny decides he/she can't give me a doggie bag.

Mich said...

WTF? I have never heard of this happening to anyone. You paid for it and they are stealing from you. I would have done exactly what you did to spite them and on principal.....dumbshits!!!!
