Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Paparazzi for Kids

Ok... I don't think I spelled paparazzi correctly, but here goes.

I'm beginning to think that the childhood paparazzi has gone a bit to far. Every time I turn around I'm getting hit for paying for photographs of my kids by these self-appointed paparazzi agents. Now we don't just have the regular school photos once per year mostly for the purpose of the yearbook and such, but today my daughter came home with her school 'spring school photos' as well which resembled a model's portfolio. Mind you this was NOT solicited by me as her MOTHER.

Sports are another example. Each sport HAS to have a photographer chasing you around trying to sell you 'action shots' of your kid along with team photos and also buddy photos. Give me a break.

Now I know why Sean Penn hates photographers. I'm ready to tackle them as well and smash their camera into their head.

BTW... I mean no disrespect to my photographer friend, CG. It's TOTALLY different to be hired to photograph a wedding than to shove a camera in a kid's face and hold it as ransom using guilt aimed at the parents to purchase the photos.

1 comment:

CG said...

Eeeek! Until i read that last paragraph I was running scared!

You can't exit a public building here without someone from a big photo franchise trying to get you to sign up to a big photo session!