Thursday, April 23, 2009

Job Application and Interview

I have no idea how employers in California hire anybody -- we can't ask any questions! Everything is taboo and illegal for shit that really matters in the work place. We can't even get information from former employers. We are left to rely on our instinct and gut feel, which can also be thrown against employers. Here's my list of questions/criteria that truly matters, but unfortunately, can't be asked....

1. Are you high maintenance?
2. Are you a whiner/complainer?
3. Can you shut your fucking mouth and not get caught up in petty office politics?
4. Would fellow employees describe you as an asshole?
5. Will you actually do your job and not be looking to sue for some obscure reason hoping to gain something?
6. Do you have a sense of humor, or do you always walk around like you have a 2x4 shoved up your ass?


CG said...


flywriter said...

Have I told you lately that you crack me up? :-)