Friday, March 20, 2009

Going Postal

...I finally did it. I completely blew my stack at a work meeting. The tension had been building for years. At a meeting I finally stood up for myself and got in the face of an asshole who had been on my case for months. He would ridicule and second guess everything I had done. If people don't like me, fine. I can handle that. And to be honest, there are only very few opinions I actually care about anyway. You leave me alone, and I will leave you alone. Keep your dislike for me private and I will return the same. There are several people who deserve a public flogging from me, but I have kept my contempt private as they have shown me the same courtesy.

However...dare to turn into an obnoxious asshole making a public scene and God help you... I will rip off your head, shit down your throat, and show no mercy.

Yesterday was one of those days. After getting publicly grilled and needled at a large meeting on a subject matter that was of no business to the antagonizer, I subtly, then not-so-subtly dropped hints that he was crossing over into the danger zone, I lost it.

"I am DONE with this inquisition! I am NOT going to stand here and take cheap, pot- shots from an ignorant, belligerent ass who only knows 1/2 of the facts!" could hear a pin drop from across the room...

And the Belligerent Ass responded, "Well.... I did not mean to upset you."

"Well, I am upset, so PLEASE STOP"

I have no idea what I said after that point because I was that pissed off. My mouth opened up, and the words flowed out. I did not care who heard what, and who was around. I was pushed to the limit.

Belligerent Ass stormed out of the meeting. When he left an uncomfortable silence filled the room. The others were visibly shaken by my outburst as I am usually so congenial in group settings. The meeting quickly adjourned.

Am I going to get fired? At this point I really don't care. Maybe it would be a blessing. Hell, I'll just join the unemployed masses and wait for my government "bailout" like everybody else.

This afternoon I received an official, written apology from Belligerent Ass that bordered on being overly sappy. Hmph... I'm still too pissed off to even deal with him.


CG said...
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Dianne said...

Deep breaths!

As a very good friend of mine always says - "If assholes could fly we'd never see the sun"