Tuesday, March 3, 2009

American Idol

The "Gong Show" from the 1970's has been reincarnated into "American Idol." I have never seen it until tonight when my 13 year-old flipped it on and I was unfortunate enough to be within both visual and audio radius.

There are contestants on the show who actually believe they have talent, and then there are the judges who are washed-up stars of yesteryear who never really had any singing talent at all (Paula Abdul) rendering talent judgment that we are all suppose to take seriously.

Of course, there is Simon.. Simon is the Archie Bunker of the judges panel offering stinging, acidic comments to all.

I'm afraid the wild popularity of this lame television show is a representation of the collective depth of the cognitive capacity of the general public. Be afraid. Be *VERY* afraid.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

I have never watched American Idol, or it's equally pathetic action hero counter part Survivor

They cater to the least in us and inspire people to be petty and mean

as if we need any encouragement