Monday, November 10, 2008

John and Kate + 8 and other mass reproduction tv shows

There is this lame television show that my 13 year-old daughter is addicted to. It's titled, "John and Kate + 8." It is the most REPETITIVE show featuring John and Kate who could not accept the fact that nature did not want their gene pool continued en masse, so they opted for artificial insemination to mock mother nature's intentions. Viola. 8 more kids in the world. Just what we need with the world's human population exploding at epidemic levels and dwindeling resources. Thanks a lot for your selfishness.

Anyway...every show is the same. They are planning a trip to the zoo (or whatever). They wake up the kids at an ungodly hour to load them into the family vehicle/bus. One kid throws up. One kid pisses his pants. One kid slaps his oatmeal against the wall. One kid takes a baseball bat and beats the other kid over the head with it..... AND we have not even left the driveway yet. Joy.

Once at the travel destination, we are bombarded with clips of each kid admiring a butterfly or engaged in an art craft, or the luau dance. BFD.

Why is this glorified? Who watches this shit?

The other show is of a family of 17+ kids and the parents still have not figured out how to use a rubber. What gives? Do these people have nothing better to do? Then they have the nerve to broadcast how EXPENSIVE it is to raise them? DUH. What the fuck did they think? Did they think the grocery fairies were going to drop gallons of milk and loaves of bread on their doorstep for free? GET A CLUE. And THIS is the gene pool that is perpetuating? Please.

1 comment:

CG said...

Oh dear, Sian would love those shows. I don't think they've made it across the pond yet.Thank God!