Friday, May 7, 2021

Pregnant AGAIN?

 My contributions to Planned Parenthood are going unheeded.  My grand niece (by marriage) is knocked up again by no "hables Englais" border jumpers who want to plant their seed (literally) to have their anchor baby in the United States so they do not get deported back to Mexico or whatever shit hole country they are trying to run from.


Here's what pisses me off.  Most of the rush from the border is coming from Honduras, Guatemala,  etc., but they bypass next door neighbor Mexico and rush to the borders of the U.S.A.   


Why is not Mexico absorbing the mass exodus of refugees?  Mexico is the next bordering country.  Why do they get to skip across Mexico and try for direct entry into the US?  

Because Mexico sucks?  Mexico does not want them and are punting to us? 

Yup.  Central American refugees are picking and choosing which countries they want to suck from and claim asylum .  They know Mexico does  not want them, so they will try for us here in the US as we are suckers and will give them more than what Mexico would ever think to give them.  

Border skipping.  Mexico is happy as they don't want them, and are more than happy to pawn them off on us.  .,

Here's a clue to all of you pumping out babies like a pez dispenser.  If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby.  And don't think maybe, if you can't feed your baby.   We collectively donate millions in birth control via Planned Parenthood so you don't have to have children you can't provide for.  Please beg their assistance.  It's free. 

Wrap it.  Control it.  Plan it.  Even the rhythm method is better than no method.  

None of this would be an issues otherwise.   

Ohhhhhhhhhhh...... I've offended the Latino machismo.  Just whack off a few more times and it will all be good.  I promise.  Your extra sperm has already done enough damage.  

No, I will not be winning the Nobel Peace Prize for my criticism of over populating humans beyond what the environment can handle. (we are over populated)  Get yourselves fixed or limit your offspring.  The environment  and all of us thank you.   

I've sensed a disturbance in the force.  Millions of angry do-gooder coastal liberal elites who live in gated communities in their mansions in Marin driving their Tesla (with equality for all stickers) and kids going to private schools decrying any and all development for the sake of the environment (code for we do not want any low income housing anywhere near us) want to hunt me down and kill me. 


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