Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Rooster

Before I got kicked off the social media site Next Door, there was a post from a woman who recently moved to the area from Marin complaining about a neighbor's rooster crowing.  Typical.  They move to Sonoma County because of our 'country charm' and then bitch about what makes the country the country. 

Anyway, that was at least a couple of months ago and I've since got kicked off the site because  I dare to challenge the NIMBY's and other do-gooders who want to save the world - unless it means paying out of their own pocket or residing in their own immediate area.  

What?  Me?  Kicked off????  LOL

That's not the point of today's blog.  Have I noticed the rooster's crowing?  I guess so, but it's all part of living in Sonoma County and I never gave it another thought.  

That is until I got the mail the other day.  There in my snail mail box was a postage marked letter addressed to "neighbor" and it was sent anonymously.  It was not signed nor was their a return address.  In this letter it was telling me to shut my rooster up or brimstone and fire shall rain down from the heavens citing noise ordinances.

Sorry, but we do not own a rooster.  We never have.  I think this person just blanketed the neighborhood with letters.  What a coward.  

Well, the letter campaign did not work.  The rooster is still crowing, and I laugh to myself every time I hear him.  I'm thinking of getting a rooster just to irk the complainer off even more.  LOL

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