Thursday, November 19, 2020

COVID Deaths

 Everybody is pointing fingers about the US death rate with the COVID virus.  Here's what the media is not telling you.  For every chronic underlying health condition (i.e., heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, etc.) raises your chances of dying from the virus exponentially.  Many in our population have multiple underlying issues, mainly obesity and high blood pressure, that the rest of the industrialized world does not suffer from.  

Who's fault is that?

Our lifestyle is full of processed, chemically infused crap full of fat, salt, and empty calories that we call food.  We count walking from the fridge to the couch as exercise.  Smoking and drinking are the least of our problems in comparison (poetic license invoked).  

Again, who's taking responsibility for their underlying health conditions?  It's so much more fun to blame, isn't it? 

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