Wednesday, January 2, 2019

What Do They Expect?

I'm sooooooo sick of liberals pandering to illegal immigrants.  It's not fair to those who are trying to enter the country legally.  Why should those who break our laws get to jump in line? 

Now they are trying to rush the border.  Why don't they stay in Mexico?  Oh, because Mexico SUCKS.  Beggars can't be choosers. 

Now they are using their kids as pawns to try to conjure up sympathy.  Sorry, but the parents are the ones who brought them here.  What did they expect trying to enter the country illegally?  A welcome mat and food, clothing, and shelter?  Nobody promised them anything.  They took it upon themselves.  They really thought they were going to waltz over the border? 

First impressions of the illegals trying to enter our country dissing our laws, throwing rocks, etc., show their true colors.  ....and now we are supposed to welcome them with open arms? 


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