Thursday, September 4, 2014

JLB: The Road Trip

My bestie, JLB,  from back home is due to arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon.  She is driving all the way from Minnesota to Sonoma County just to SEE ME!  I feel so honored.

Seriously, JLB has had some serious life changes in the past year.  Her only kid graduated from high school.  Her mom has severe health issues that requires JLB to be an advocate/nurse 24/7.  I could add to the pile of demands only to tell you that she has been laid off from her full-time job she has held for the past 16+ years. 


For somebody who has NEVER been unemployed since age 16 to suddenly be catapulted into "involuntary retirement" is not something to be taken lightly.  This girl is a work horse and knows NOTHING of sitting around and watching TV or dinkering with art projects thinking that money will  automatically fall out of the sky to pay the bills and other life expenses. 

I'm getting off track.  Upon getting her pink slip I suppose she thought it was in her best interest to get out of Dodge.  I don't blame her.  Best to get the message out early that just because JLB is currently "unemployed" does NOT make her anybody's on-demand servant.

Love ya, JLB.  xxoo

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